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Proactive Gratitude

Chase Kerby, CFP®,AIF®

My family’s Thanksgiving celebrations have always been as traditional as an American holiday can be. There is turkey and stuffing, football on television, and my sister Chelsea challenging me to break the wishbone. Of course, I have heard of other families doing alternative Thanksgiving meals like Chinese food or Waffle House, but I would fear for the poor soul that would ever suggest that to my mother.

One tradition that I’ve come to appreciate more as I’ve gotten older is going around the table to say what we are thankful for in our lives. I remember as a child being annoyed by this ritual. As soon as it started, I would quickly rack my brain for something to say that I indeed was thankful for but would also not make me sound foolish in front of dozens of older relatives once it finally came to be my turn.

This year I have more than a few seconds to consider what I am thankful for, so I hope to offer a more articulate answer than I did in those days. Personally, I have a lot to be grateful for in my life. I have my health, a wonderful family, and a career that is both challenging and rewarding. Many of these things are entirely out of my control, but others are a direct result of choices I made in the past.

My goal this year is to reflect and be thankful for those particular actions that got me here. However, I also want to spend time looking forward at the decisions I have in front of me that will be part of my future Thanksgiving reflection.

Today, I am thankful for my health. But, how do I work to maintain healthy habits?

I am also thankful for my family’s holiday traditions. Is there a new one I would like to start?

I am thankful for special people in my life. Not just the ones at my Thanksgiving table but friends and mentors too. What is something I can do for them now to show how much they mean to me?

This Thanksgiving, I am choosing proactive gratitude. This exercise has taught me that many things we are thankful for are more within our control than we may think, and there is a real impact in living a more intentional and thoughtful life. I encourage you to spend a little time this season reflecting on what you are personally thankful for, plan a few actions in the future you will appreciate, and be prepared with a good answer when it makes it to your turn at the table.

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